KSSP Jan – Feb Term Virtual Challenges!
Check out this term’s exciting virtual competitions below!
Unfortunately KSSP is still unable to organise our usual competitions at the moment due to the ongoing restrictions, but please be assured we have a full programme of events and competitions ready to deliver as soon as we are able to do so.
We have separate competitions for years 1 and 2, years 3 and 4 and years 5 and 6!
You can do the competitions with as many children in the year groups as you like, then please complete the score sheets, putting down the number of children that have competed and ONLY the name and score of the top scoring boy and girl in each year group.
Please email your results to d.sweeney@kirkbyhighschool.net by Friday 12th February 2021.
Good Luck!
Yr 1-2 Climb the ladder Challenge
Yr 1-2 Virtual Climb the Ladder Challenge 2021 – Scoresheet