KSSP June – July Term Virtual Tennis Challenges!
Check out this term’s exciting virtual competitions below!
We have separate tennis competitions for years 1 and 2, years 3 and 4 and years 5 and 6!
You can do the competitions with as many children in the year groups as you like, then please complete the score sheets, putting down the number of children that have competed and ONLY the name and score of the top scoring boy and girl in each year group.
Please email your results to d.sweeney@kirkbyhighschool.net by Friday 16th July 2021.
Good Luck!
Tennis Fast Footwork Challenge Yr 1-2
Yr 1-2 Virtual Fast Feet Tennis 2021 – Scoresheet
Tennis Bounce About Challenge Yr 3-4
Yr 3-4 Virtual Bounce About Tennis 2021 – Scoresheet
Tennis Target Drop Shot Challenge Yr 5-6
Yr 5-6 Virtual Drop Shot Tennis 2021 – Scoresheet