Sport Premium Update

The Department for Education (DfE) has issued further guidance for schools on the delivery of PE and school sport through the primary school sport funding. The documents published provide information on ‘Effective PE and school sport provision’, and outline the central role that PE plays in the National Curriculum. They also highlight a variety of programmes and organisations who are well placed to offer support and expertise. Please click on the links below to acess these documents.

Beyond 2012 – outstanding physical education for all – report summary

what works well in pe and sport in schools

It has also published a selection of case studies with examples of both primary and secondary schools with a track record of providing high quality PE, along with sport agencies that schools can access in order to enhance their provision.   

When deciding upon how to invest your sports premium  funding, priority should  be given to the professional development of teachers to ensure a sustainable impact of this important investment. The starting point of which should be a review of existing provision by schools across the three distinct areas: Physical Education, school sport and healthy and active lifestyles. Consideration should also be given to  how PE and sport can contribute to the wider school development plan.