Barclays Game Changers!

Knowsley School Sport Partnership is looking for a girl aged 12-16 who is passionate about girl’s football to become a Barclays Game Changer!  They will be part of a national programme of Girls Football young ambassadors across England! 

The Game Changer will help to inspire, engage and empower other girls, as well as parents, teachers and key decision makers to want to make a positive change for girl’s football. 

They will,

Be a role model and champion of equal access for girl’s football across the borough.

Be the voice for girl’s football in Knowsley. 

Help change poor perceptions of girl’s football in the school setting with both male and female students through influencing peers. 

Share their story and demonstrate their impact of being involved in girl’s football in school.

If you have any girls who are passionate about girls football would be interested in this role please can they complete the nomination form below and return to by Friday 19th January 2024.  Please also see the guidance notes below!

BarclaysGameChangers-Nomination Form 2023-24
