Welcome to the Knowsley School Sport Partnership (KSSP) website where we hope to not only celebrate the successes of pupils and schools within Knowsley but also share with you the latest information around the agenda for PE and Sport
KSSP inspires and supports all of our young people to achieve their personal best within PE and School Sport by providing a range of exciting sporting opportunities for young people to inspire them to be more physically active and lead a healthier lifestyle.
We believe that through sport and physical activity, every young person can enhance their health and well-being, build confidence and learn life skills. This will give them attributes they need to achieve their goals and aspirations, in all areas of life.
Knowsley School Sport Partnership is hosted by Kirkby High School and provides high quality support to schools across Knowsley to enhance the delivery of PE and school sport. Our experienced and passionate team have built strong relationships with Primary, Secondary and Special Schools over the last 13 years ensuring schools work collaboratively and share resources, knowledge and facilities.
Key Services
At KSSP we deliver a wide range of exciting opportunities for our young people, delivering a co-ordinated approach to sport and physical activity across all of Knowsley.
- Raise Standards through delivery, review and evidencing the impact of your PE and School Sport Premium, ensuring it is used effectively to secure maximum effect on young people, demonstrate sustainability and meet all 5 key outcome indicators.
- Identify and attract additional sources of funding to support sustainable development activity.
- Provide advice on Safe practice in PE and sport.
- Network opportunities to hear current best practice, access support and training and interact with like-minded colleagues.
- Engage with schools, young people and parents across carious social media channels, recognising and celebrating the achievements of our young people.
- Offer a wide and diverse range of competitive activities. In line with new guidance from the Youth Sport Trust, these include Aspire competitions in the form of competitive pathway events, Inspire events to engage with those children not normally involved with sports teams and Celebrate events to target the less active in fun and exciting games and festivals.
- We also offer extensive virtual competitions and events, through targeted sports and broader personal best challenges delivered across our social media channels.
Participation and Pathways
- Champion 30 active minute. New Chief Medical offer guidance for all children.
- Increasing the number of young people taking part in sport and physical activity across the borough.
- Support schools to offer a wide variety of clubs and encourage links with local community clubs and leisure providers.
- Provide leadership programmes to increase opportunities, skill development and build confidence of your young people.
- Support staff to deliver high quality sport and physical activity which is fully engaging and inclusive.
- Provide professional development programmes that will cover a wide spectrum of topics for all school staff.